Wish N Wed

Kanyadaan : An Intrinsic and Emotional Moment for Entire Family

Kanyadaan : An Intrinsic and Emotional Moment for Entire Family

Kanyadaan : An Intrinsic and Emotional Moment for Entire Family

Indian Weddings are multi-day affair with full of traditions and fun. A typical traditional Indian Wedding is a standout amongst the festive weddings over the globe containing different types of cultures. It is a multi-day affair in view of the different traditions engaged with it. Like ancient heritage, these ceremonies have sacred and spiritual significance. While some rituals can leave you laughing like a jerk the others trickle down tears with their emotional intensity. Kanyadan is one such moment that can bring down tears in the eyes of the bride and her parents because it’s the time when the parents’ handover the beloved daughter to the groom.

Picture Courtesy Mahima Bhatia Photography

Aside from the saath pheras, there is one most essential custom in Indian Hindu Weddings and that is Kanyadaan. While the groom is thought to be a manifestation of Lord Vishnu, the bride is viewed as the shadow of Goddess Lakshmi, the symbol of riches and thriving. Subsequently, giving away the daughter’s hand is also termed as Kanyadaan is an emotional and religiously noteworthy represent the bride’s parents in an Indian Wedding.

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Kanyadaan is the acclaimed wedding ceremony of the wedding which is thought to be extremely the form of purity and favourable! The expression “Kanyadaan” basically alludes to the gifting of a daughter and in this ritual, the dad of the bride gives his girl to the groom! This is the most emotional for the bride’s parents. Kanyadaan is a custom in which the bride’s dad gives his little girl’s hand in the groom’s hand. This implies the dad gives the obligations of his daughter to the groom. This is finished with an expectation that he will dependably take care of her and will give her an upbeat life ahead! It is considered as a pious moment.

Picture Courtesy Happy Flashbacks

Read through to know the emotional and religious significance behind the Kanyadaan ceremony of Indian weddings.

Emotional Significance of Giving the Daughter

In order to understand why this ritual is emotionally important, it is initially mandatory to imagine the level of emotion that the father goes through while performing this custom. We have always experienced that fathers share a very special bond with their daughters more than the sons. Even the most strict father is forced to melt under the sweetness and smile of his daughter. As a symbol of love and being a responsible dad, during the kanyadaan ceremony, the father hands over the entire control of his daughter to his son-in-law(groom) with lots and lots of expectations and hope.

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Fathers usually consider their little angels as an expensive gift from God and take a good care of them in their upbringing. They are the ones who fulfil all their wishes, in spite of getting them scolded from the mother. Hence close is their bond that the minor thought of just handing her to someone else can be heart-wrenching. So it’s a part of life that every Indian wedding constitutes of this ritual without which the wedding is totally incomplete. No one can even think how difficult this is for the father??

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Moment of Kanyadaan at the Wedding

As this custom of giving over the whole responsibility of the daughter to the groom isn’t impossible to miss to just Hindu convention, it is unquestionably given increasingly significance because of its religious ramifications. Indian weddings begin with the grandeur and energy with everybody cheering the bride and the groom through various customs. Not just this, even the seven promises that the bride and the groom take around the blessed fire, is something that brings about some sort of teasing and smiles. In any case, the whole atmosphere is totally changed when the dad of the bride puts her hand into the groom.

Picture Courtesy Plush Affairs

This ritual, considered as the noblest donation possible by the couple, giving away the “wealth” they have earned entire life, is an emotional moment for everyone who is around the ceremony.

Religious Significance of Kanyadaan

The Indian wedding cultures are wealthy in religion. This significantly impacts how their traditions and celebrations are finished. A wedding is certainly a standout amongst the most critical festivals in Indian Culture. A wedding custom that conveys a critical religious foundation is “Kanyadaan”. Through Kanyadaan, the parents’ sins are pardoned through the value of this custom of the religious gift.

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Ritual of Kanyadaan

Kanyadaan happens just before the pheras, and amid this function, the dad of the bride puts her right hand in that of the groom’s, this is otherwise called hastamilap. In Hindu religion, the groom places his hand on the right shoulder of the bride, as his way of taking on her responsibilities. This symbolizes their destinies and lives are presently interlined. In some religions, after this, the hands of the bride and the groom are tied with a white cloth to anchor their relationship and security from the stink eye. The groom even now and then holds the bride’s hand as they take the seven vows, and recite the holy vows of togetherness.

Picture Courtesy RS Wedding Bells

In certain religions, the parents of bride observe fast before making the ceremony of Kanyadaan.

The ceremony finally comes to an end when the bride is given over to her groom. Giving away the wealth of their entire life, their princess is believed as the donation possible by the couple and is the most sentimental moment for everyone present there and attending the ceremony.

Picture Courtesy U n Me Photography

As though Kanyadaan is an emotional moment for the fathers and daughters, it is also an effective part of the entire wedding. It is that ritual which breaks the link of the bride with her family and independently allows her to accept the new family and move ahead to the new phase of her life.

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