Wish N Wed

Common Wedding Invitation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them!

Wedding Invitations are an important aspect of weddings. Wedding planning is never perfectly done no matter how much you try there is something we wish we had done differently. Wedding invitations provide the crucial information of the wedding day like date, venue, time and details of the events.  If planned in advance and sent out at the right time it allows the guests to schedule their calendars accordingly.

Maintaining a strategic distance from committing mistakes is totally unavoidable.   Meticulous planning and a keen eye to details can help you to come out of common errors that usually commit in wedding invitations.

Here are some of the most common mistakes that are seen in wedding invitations, which can be strictly avoided if taken notice.

Forgetting the Save the Date Cards:

In the era of digital, if you are still using the old ways then you must certainly bucker up as you have something to get yourself and your guests excited.

We probably know that more than you, your guests are waiting desperately to get you married. Why not surprise them by giving them this news in the most creative way possible i.e Save the Date Card.

Before sharing your wedding invitations send out save the date cards. These early cards are of great significance, so put on your creative hat and think of something unique. Send them one 1 or 2 months in advance so that your guests don’t complain of invites at short notice. Early the better is the key, it lets guests schedule and sketch out their bookings.

Skipping the Theme:

Wedding Invitations speak volumes about your wedding and your personality. Give your guests something to get excited about, something that gets them talking.

If you are hosting a traditional wedding, let your invite inform your guests that the wedding is traditional with traditional customs. If you plan on a destination wedding, you can use the place as a highlight of the wedding invitation.

Waiting too long to get it ordered:

It goes without saying get your invitations prepared on time. The sooner, the better because everything from deciding the design to getting your mistakes corrected up till mailing takes time and normally more time than you think.

Making it too cluttered:

Couples usually go overboard with the design and the wordings for their invitations. This can make the invitation messy and the little details that are important may skip the eyes.

In order to avoid making your wedding invitation look cluttered, you can use different colours. In case if there are many details and multiple events, it is best to divide them into sections and fit it neatly into different pages. In case you are opting for  WhatsApp  Wedding Invitations or email invites you can use wedding websites or video invites with multiple slides instead of one. 

Incorrect Information on  the Invitation:

This is the crucial point where we tend to ignore the details. Providing incorrect information is not only a mistake, instead, but it’s also a blunder.

Hence, in order to avoid any hustle and bustle, provide in writing with the correct venue, time, names and event information that are to be mentioned on the wedding invitation. In the case of printed invitations, even a single typing error can cost of a lot of time and bucks. Before sending out the invite to print, read and re-read the master copy again & again to avoid mistakes.

Proofread, Proofread, Proofread:

Edit, edit like there’s no tomorrow. Read it over the morning, bed break time, read it over when you are grinding away; read it over when you are endeavouring to nod off. Do request that your fiance read it over. Your mom, dad, your companions, your siblings. Get everybody to read it before you send your little check stamp approval to the designer. Nothing would be a greater bummer than an incorrect spelling, a mistaken address, wrong time, date or names.

Errors happen! In the event that you see any mistake with your invite, evaluate the circumstance. In the event that it’s a little mistake, let it go. However, in the event that the mistake is identified with the wedding venue, date and time, keeping in mind the end goal to deal with this circumstance you can send the save the date cards again seven days before the big day.

Not Taking A Follow-Up:

The task doesn’t end at just sending the invitation, ensure that the invitations that you send out are duly received. Sometimes there are postage delays, lost cards due to the mailman not finding the exact address etc.  Do make a call, to know whether the invitation has been received. It’s good to be sure than to hear complaints later on and apologizing for the error that wasn’t yours. Another way to overcome/ avoid this situation send out a WhatsApp Invitation or an E-mail Invitation. Online wedding invitations get you a quick response from the guests and save you much hassle of followup and delayed invites.

Do Not Forward

While you may be busy with your wedding planning, it’s important to pay attention to the invite. Don’t just forward the invite to your guests, too many forwards isn’t cool. Be it WhatsApp, Email or Printed invites forwards should be a strictly forbidden. If you are sending out printed invites and forwarding them from one person to another to finally reach the destination it’s likely you may lose it. Choose a reliable courier company, postage service to send the invites.  For Email and WhatsApp Wedding Invites if you forward the same can be seen as just a formality as these services let the receiver know that the message has been forwarded add a personal note instead.


If you have some creative bug  in your head  and looking to create an invitation that’s fun, quirk and  like you  head over to  create one yourself exclusively on WishNWed

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